Schiffsbesichtiger deutsch english  Schiffsbesichtiger Gunter Metzger



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About us

As nautical experts, we look back on more than a hundred years of tradition. In the 19th century officially appointed marine surveyors of the name Schiffsbesichtiger inspected vessels carrying emigrants in Bremerhaven for the first time. In 1971 Bremen and Bremerhaven introduced the public appointment of freelance surveyors. Today, Schiffsbesichtiger are an established component of maritime business in the Lower Weser Region.

Among our customers are numerous companies in the shipowning, chartering, shipbroking, P & I and liability insurance business. They all appreciate our independence as a prerequisite to qualified expertise. Our reports are tailored to the needs of our principals and hold up in court. Reports are supplied in digital form, upon request also as hardcopy.

Without being certified under quality standards, we embrace comprehensive quality-consciousness in a spirit of quality assurance and customer satisfaction. We focus on both, maintaining and adapting professional competence as well as effectiveness of our operational organization, from acceptance of orders through implementation right up to accounting. In the best interest of our customers we have insured our professional liability risk.

(öffentlich bestellt und vereidigt von der Han-
delskammer Bremen für Ursachen und Fest-
stellung von Güterschäden bei Seetransport)


T +49 (0)421 38 92 70 (24 h)
F +49 (0)421 38 92 711
E info(at)